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Frequently Asked Questions

Here to Help

  1. What grades does the school go to?

    1. Kindergarten through 5th grade.

  2. How long are the school days?

    1. School starts at 8am with early drop off at 7:45

    2. Children get a 30-minute free time and 30-minute lunch

    3. Children can be picked up at 3:30pm

  3. Is there a cost to attend?

    1. We will use a sliding scale tuition based on Parental Income.

  4. Do you offer breakfast and lunch?

    1. Currently we offer a breakfast and lunch program. (NOT INCLUDED IN TUITION)

  5. What are the class sizes?

    1. 12:1 ratio

  6. Do GPA serve students who need IEP’s?

    1. Due the academic rigor and the fast pace of our campus classroom instruction time, we are unable to enroll students with learning disabilities.  These students need one on one, specialized instruction that we are not currently in the position to provide for them.  All students must be able to complete all classroom work at their appropriate grade level (or above).

  7. What is expected from the parents?

    1. Our parents are expected to be involved with their children's education, by different means. We understand that working class parents are busy, but we do expect a certain level of involvement with the following:​

      1. School Projects​

      2. Fundraising events

      3. Community involvement

      4. Parent/Teacher meetings

      5. ETC. 

  8. Is GPA a homeschooling Coop?

    1. No, while GPA uses some of the same tools as a Co-op, we are a Not for-profit Private school.

  9. Do you have a sports program?

    1. We are partnering with local programs to ensure your child has access to extracurricular activities. ​

  10. Are uniforms required?

    1. Yes, Students are required to wear uniforms Monday-Thursday, with free dress on Fridays

  11. Do you provide before and after school programs?

    1. Not at this time 

  12. Do you use technology in the classroom?

    1. Yes, a wide variety of our classes will utilize technology. 

  13. Do you offer Summer Camp?

    1. Not at this time 

  14. Do you do field trips?

    1. Yes, students will participate in age appropriate field trips.

      1. Kindergarteners - Petting Zoo, Library, Parks, Fire station

      2. 1st graders – Zoo, Aquariums, Factories, recycling centers

      3. 2nd graders – Farms, Museums, Botanical Gardens

      4. 3rd graders – Hospitals, Newspaper, Symphony Orchestra

      5. 4th graders – International visits, Pottery, Blacksmiths,

      6. 5th graders – International visits, State Capital visit, Congress,

  15. What age can students start Elementary?

    1. All students have to be 4 years and 6 months old to start kindergarten or have approval from Chief administrator.

  16. Do you do standardized testing?

    1. All Students in Grade 3 are required by NC law to participate in the ​standard tests.

  17. Is there a picture day?

    1. Yes, Picture day will be Held on a Friday for individuals and a Monday for class Pics. By Schoolhouse Pictures

  18. Are you accredited?

    1. GPA plans to become accredited through the NCCSA

  19. Do you offer transportation?

    1. Not at this time ​

  20.  Do you have to be Christian for your child to attend?

    1. No, but we do want parents to understand that children will be reading the bible, praying and prayed over. It is our goal to instill the love of Christ on the inside of them. If this conflicts with what you do at home, then GPA may not be right for you.

Have a question not on the list? Contact us

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“Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Children Praying
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